Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beware CJ LeMoine of VQ Capital in London, Ontario Canada is a scam artist

This is a special message for anyone doing business with CJ LeMoine of VQ Capital or Optimum Business Strategies to beware. You are dealing with a professional scam artist who has operated over a period of many years. Complaints against Carey Lemoine and his wife Peggy Nastasi have been logged on the web site RipOffReport.com since 2009. There have been no complaints in 2010, but it looks like a new round is going to hit in 2011. You can read all the complaints in the links to the right.

CJ LeMoine trolls the Investment Exchange, Go Big Network along with many other sites and engages in countless unethical scams that steal money from entrepreneurs. He has most likely stolen hundreds of thousand of dollars during his time as a scam artist and is well known to the London Ontario Police Department.

Do not send CJ LeMoine any money ever. It is as good as gone.

CJ LeMoine and Peggy Nastasi have been involved in the following businesses over the years: Business Strategies, Optimum Business Strategies Inc and more recently VQ Capital, also known as Venture Quest Capital.

CJ LeMoine issues fake press releases as his various businesses self destruct from his scams. Most recently Venture Quest Capital supposedly bought CJ's former company Optimized Business Solutions.

VQ Capital and Optimized Business Solutions share the same address at 553 Southdale Rd East Suite 103, London, ON N6E 1A2, Canada. There is a distinct lack of expensive cars in the parking lot that would normally indicate people who broker large financial transactions, making extremely large commissions, actually exist here. Do not do business with CJ LeMoine in London Ontario Canada.

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