Monday, May 2, 2011

CJ Stole $20,000 from My Mother & Her Wedding Ring!

From The Scam Report 
carey lemoine peggie nastasi carey lemoine took advantage of my mother by taking $20,000.00 from her london, Ontario
2nd of May, 2011 by User103865
I am writing this report under duress i've waited a long time to write this report. I thought i was a friend of carey lemoine .I knew him for quite awhile .I met him when he was working for addison cadillac and then he worked for honda he was the business manager there. My father and i got to be friends with carey and everything was fine.
I was also in business at the time i owned a mattress store in brantford ontario.
During this period my mother had parkinsons and one day my father went to the hospital with a minor irritation on a leg but as he was being discharges something happened and he was in a coma unfortunately i had to pull the plug after a month. prior to this my father without my knowledge went to see carey and told him he didn't have much time left and asked him to look after his family.
After my father's passing i decided to close my store as i had to look after my mother.Then it started. Carey said he was starting a car loan company and he said he could provide my mother with an income for three years of $1150 per month if she would invest $20,000. which we discussed and said that if my father could trust him with his most important possession (his family)
we could trust him as well and she gave him the money .
He paid her for a year and a half and during that year and a half his business ran into difficulties i was also doing collections for him at that time he started asking to borrow money from me and he paid it back the following week thatwent on for a little while.and i didnt think much about it he told me to buy a car and his company would pay for it .Everything seemed ok but things got worse .
he started borrowing large sums of money and didn't pay me my salary so i started using my credit cards.My mother was terribly sick and i had to provide the best i could for her.
Carey borrowed from me in excess of $150,000.00 > By then i was wiped out.I had cashed in all my insurance policys so i could stay afloat but he borrowed from that to all the time promising he would pay me back. I was so deep in debt that i couldn't say no for fear that he would stop seeing me .
So i was destitute. I was completely broke not one dollar .My mother passed away a week before i lost my house. if she would have lived one more week we both would have been on the street and carey had not given me dollar one .My cars were repoed my house taken away and i had no where to go .I also forgot to add that i didnt even have enough money to buy a gravestone for my mother. But he didnt care A few other things developed but i will skip over them lets just say some weeks i didnt have food to eat. Anyway i moved into a house after because carey had arranged a deal with a internet company for me to do their collections but the deal fell through and i was going to be evicted from that house as i did not have the rent .My back was to the wall so i took 250 pills,Iwanted to end my life .he had pushed me that far.Everything he told me was a lie .he took advantage of me a few more times. One in particular stands out i purchased an ice cream parlor without any cash carey had arranged a deal where i would pay a monthy fee till it was paid out.
What he did was buy 2 ice cream trucks and charge the icecream to my account.I was later charged with fraud and had to appear in court .The prosocution dropped the case after they found out I didnt have a penny to my name .but i ended up in a mental institution and diagnosed with clinical depression. to cut this short i am now living in a resthome for the elderly and i am only 50 years old .I cannot declare bankruptcy as i cannot pay the trustee his fee. So my interest continues to grow. I tried many things to try to recover but unfortunately it takes money to make money. So here i remain at a rest home.I really wanted to have a family but that isnt going to happen.HE RUINED MY ENTIRE LIFE. One more thing he even took my mothers wedding ring. I admit i was very stupid but i did not thing he would do something like this to me I was someone who treated him better than a brother.
If any one out there sees him let him know what a lowlife piece of scum he is to take advantage of a sick woman and a loyal friend. He probably gave the ring to his wife.His third wife .I hope she enjoys wearing the stolen ring of a dead person.Thats how much he cares for his wife she should be very proud of him not everyone can be trash like he is .I feel bad for the people whom he took advantage of .They didnt know him the way i did.
one more thing when i was evicted from my home i arranged for a mover that i knew and he agreed to wait for payment but then changed his mind .I went to court and the judge told me i had 2 weeks to come up with 2500 dollars or he gets everything well i told carey ,he did nothing so i couldnt come up with the cash so my mover took everything i own family pictures and a housefull of brand new furniture which my mother had picked out when i bought the house new i thought it would give her pleasure to fix up the house the way she wanted.All i had was the clothes on my back and carey didnt give a damn. If anyone out there ever walks into an office and carey lemoine is there if you even sit down with him you should go out and buy a gun a shoot yourself because if you deal with him you will either end up like me taking my own life or ending up on the street. Well shoot him then shoot yourself. I know this sounds very harsh but i have no recourse except my words and feelings. So i will remain in a rest home.