Complaint review: Carey Lemoine, Business Strategies, 2175532 Ont. Inc, Avitar Leasing, London, ON
Reported By: D (London Ontario Canada)
Carey Lemoine, Business Strategies, 2175532 Ont. Inc, Avitar Leasing, London, ON Be glad if you didn't get financing through them and only lost a few thousand dollars. Their "professional and financing advice" ended up putting us into bankruptcy. We've lost everything. London, Ontario
Carey Lemoine
Business Strategies, 2175532 Ont. Inc, Avitar Leasing London, ON
London Ontario
Report: #488150
Submitted: Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Last posting: Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Category: Financial Services
After reading the several reports on this website we thought we'd add our own. We agree with everything written by the others. The unprofessionalism, the lack of communication, the false stories we were told. At one point we were even told they were "putting a trace on a wire transfer" only to find out a few days later that no transfer had ever taken place.
I won't go into detail since it's so long, but suffice it to say that because of this company, and Carey Lemoine in particular, we not only lost our $5,000 for the business plan and the financing, but we've also lost the business that we purchased, most of our furniture, personal belongings and our home. We've been left with nothing because of errors made by this company. They made a gross overstatement of our income to secure us a loan that could never be supported by the actual income of the business.
To see them in the London Free Press (Aug. 11/2009 by Christopher Clark) just made us sick. I'm glad that they've had "a great summer". Our family has had a horrific one sorting through our personal belongings deciding which item to keep and what to sell. Packing. Moving. Trustee meetings.
To those who have complained about losing their deposits and not getting any financing. Please consider yourselves lucky. Bankruptcy is not something that we ever expected to have to experience, but thanks to Carey Lemoine and Business Strategies, that's exactly where we are now.