Saturday, January 10, 2009

Never do business with Carey CJ LeMoine & Peggy Nastasi

Complaint review: Carey Lemoine, Peggy Nastasi, Owners Of Business Strategies, Inc.

Reported By: (Naperville Illinois )


Carey Lemoine, Peggy Nastasi, Owners Of 
Business Strategies, Inc.
339-341 Talbot Street
London Ontario N6A 2R5

Phone: 519-433 2223

Report: #410432
Submitted: Saturday, January 10, 2009
Last posting: Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Category: Producers

I want to keep my horror story about Carey Lemoine, Peggy Nastasi, Amanda Ryter, and Business Strategies short because it enrages me so every time I have to rehash it. I gave that company a LOT of money, thousands upon thousands, to get financing for one of my creative projects. Not only did I never get the money for my project, but after I simply asked for a refund after all of the time I lost, I still didn't get anything, not even direct contact from Lemoine or Nastasi remotely apologizing for their unbelievable unprofessionalism.

They are so arrogant, deceitful, and self-serving at that company it is unfathomable. Hopefully in your life as a business person in ANY field will you have to deal with snotty, pompous, vainglorious swindling con-artists such as these. I have no doubt my money and other clients' money were flagrantly stolen and used for their own undehanded endeavors. They couldn't finance grass on a lawn let alone any creative or other type of project. These are 59 cent people lying about running a multi-million dollar corporation.

Naperville, Illinois

Carey CJ Lemoine will steal every penny and not get you one dime

Complaint review: Carey Lemoine President Of Business Strategies, Inc.

Reported By: (Boston Massachusetts )


Carey Lemoine President Of Business Strategies, Inc.339-341 Talbot Street
London Ontario N6A 2R5
Phone: 519-433 2223

Report: #410423
Submitted: Saturday, January 10, 2009
Last posting: Monday, April 25, 2011

Category: Producers


I gave Carey Lemoine and Business Strategies over $7500 after being put in contact with him through a producer to get financing for my independent film almost 2 years ago. I am an established filmmaker who has accomplished quite a bit. I put faith in Lemoine and his London, Ontario based company and he assured me in full that he could get financing for my film with minimal problems and that his company was the epitome at what they did. In fact, he said that he and his company have financed films before.

Boy, was I duped into this villainous and horrible situation. I have not seen a dime and have literally heard every excuse (and some new hypocritical ones) in the book of why I haven't gotten the promised financing from Lemoine and Business Strategies. I was even giving a phony and sophomoric-looking term sheet that was as legitimate at a three dollar bill. Lemoine can never be reached at his office and someone there is always making excuses for why he isn't available. It is always said that he is frequently in Toronto closing deals that never ever happen. Total B.S. That's what Business Strategies stands for completely. They are SOOO lucky they are not based in the United States. NEVER, EVER give money to ANYONE who is not based in the U.S. who tells you that they can get you financing for any small business endeavor.

People who steal money from filmmakers saying they can finance their films are very devious, double-dealing, underhanded, treacherous, unfair, and corrupt. I have asked for my money back and got nothing, even when others involved have asked on my behalf. People like Lemoine and Business Strategies know filmmakers want to get their respective projects made so they capitalize on them like rabid and satanic wolves. There are too many phony movie so-called movie financers like this in the world stealing at every turn and getting away with it. I've had enough. Where are the good ones that actually finance movies and keep their word? Everyone at Business Strategies should be put in jail and the office on Talbot Street should be immediately condemned. Hell is waiting for them all.

Boston, Massachusetts

Friday, January 9, 2009

CJ LeMoine and Peggy Nastasi should be locked up.

Complaint review: Carey Lemoine - Peggy Nastasi, Directors - Business Strategies

Reported By: (Los Angeles California)

Carey Lemoine - Peggy Nastasi, Directors - Business Strategies, thieves, charlatans, shysters, deceptive, dishonest, unscrupulous, heinous, reprehensible, despicable, untrustworthy, robbers, larcenists, pettifoggers, wrongdoers, offenders, misleading, illusory, deceiving, dishonest, false, unreliable, misrepresenting, fraudulent, illusive London Ontario

Carey Lemoine - Peggy Nastasi, Directors - Business Strategies
339-341 Talbot Street
London Ontario N6A 2R5
Phone: 519-433 2223

Report: #410253
Submitted: Friday, January 09, 2009
Last posting: Friday, January 09, 2009

Category: Producers


In 2007, my independent film company was introduced to Mr. Carey Lemoine, President of Business Strategies of London, Ontario, by a third party. Mr. Lemoine informed myself and my business partner that he was a legitmate financier whose track record included making financial deals for negotiated lending deals from $25,000 to $50 million through accredited investors and venture capital financing.

He said our feature film project which was modestly budgeted, was very feasible to do and that his company would ensure it would happen within a few months at the latest. He said that financing feature films was a venture he and his company were excited to be a part of and our film would be one of the first that he put through for immediate financing. He then said that
he needed a $5000 deposit from us to make this happen as a retainer.

We did so and paid Mr. Lemoine right away via express mail. We followed all of Mr. Lemoine's rules and guidelines in order to make this opportunity happen, including an enormous amount of paperwork that was required. However, Mr. Lemoine never kept in touch regularly with us after cashing the aforementioned $5000 check, which he did immediately. That was the only thing he ever did expeditiously. Mr. Lemoine became more and more sparse to contact. His wife, Peggy Natasi, is his business partner, yet she could never contact him for us either. She is in unscrupulous cahoots
with his all the way.

Innumerable scheduled conferences called went unanswered by him. Myself and my partner always had to call long distance since we are based in Los Angeles in the U.S., and were kept on hold sometimes for an hour to no avail. This neglect after so much work as well as the vanished $5000 payment greatly disconcerted us. We finally received a signed term sheet from Mr. Lemoine in April 2008 after several open disagreements. Closing documents were supposed to come for the film deal shortly afterwards within the week, but it never transpired and we
never heard directly from Mr. Lemoine of when it would transpire.

It is now the beginning of 2009, and there has been literally no correspondence from Mr. Lemoine about anything. We received several messages from a third party that the closing paperwork was supposed to arrive on several occasions, only to never receive anything whatsoever. Mr. Lemoine cost my project over a year of unnecessary delays and stress. We have asked for our $5,000 retainer back several times over the last few months, and he has said that, we are "good to go" and that he was collecting, "release letters" whatever that means.

We then read a highly disturbing article in The London Free Press by Mr. Christopher Clark entitled "Old-Time Ice Cream Trucks Melt Kids' Hearts" that said that Mr. Lemoine and Ms. Natasi have started an ice cream parlor endeavor. The first line reads, " This has been a great summer for Carey LeMoine's ego." The article also says that, "The Business Strategies firm helped facilitate the sale and purchase of Shaw's Ice Cream on Oxford Street this year." It's painfully and blatantly obvious that this purchase was made with our project's and other projects' monies. In fact, the article even showcases a pictures of their grubby children wolfing down ice cream with toothless smiles.

Mr. Lemoine and Ms. Nastasi are two of the most reprhensible and ignoble charlatans to ever do business. They may as well be the "Bonnie and Clyde" of corporate business in London, Ontario. They pretend to be educated and successful but they are just common crooks and criminals operating out of their London, Ontario office. On their Business Strategies' website, it says that Mr. Lemoine "brings with him 12 years of business experience including being Founder, President and CEO of a customer finance company, growing the business to a $15 million dollar portfolio in its first 18 months."

It also says that Ms. Natasi's so-called "experience starts with 16 years at one of the major Canadian banks and continued as Director Of Operations of a multimillion dollar finance company." It then says that Mr. Lemoine "negotiated successful term sheets and lending requirements from $25,000 to $50 million." All of these words describing them are the highest level of prevarications, falsehoods, falsities, and untruths. Everything the aforementioned do are based on false pretenses.

Mr. Lemoine and Ms. Nastasi should be locked up and the key should be thrown to the bottom of the Thames River.

Los Angeles, California